Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Techie Tuesday - Version 2.5 - Are You Using Technology Effectively in Class?Here's What Kids Think.

As I was going through my Twitter feed this past weekend I found a pretty interesting tweet that involved how teachers view they use technology in the classroom versus how the students view technology should be used in the classroom.  

This girl is a junior in high school and actually keynoted a teacher conference this past Saturday!  Here's what she posted on Instagram:

I want to show you my sophomore year in a nutshell. This isn't even including things I have turned in, thrown away, etc. I want to show you all the amount of paper. I want to explain I, went to Santana. I was in classrooms that had chrome books, tablets, and every class had access to one of the many nice computer labs at Santana. Almost every student had access to technology at home, in their pockets or at least in the library if needed. I want to point out all my teachers had said to me at least once throughout my long year, we are going to use technology. This is not using technology. Google docs, I used that program so many times this year I cant count, but to do things I eventually printed. To do things I could've done on multiple cool websites/programs. These teachers need to understand, we are in the 21st century. I want them to understand "using technology" is not typing up essays. I do not want to sit while you explain how to type. I know how to type. I guarentee you I know most things you do not. These teachers are scared of technology. Having a website, using google docs, or even recording a really crappy music video on Windows movie maker is barely reaching the low bar on "using technology." Maybe I'm a total technology snob, but I'm sick of paper. I'm sick of the way teachers teach when you expect better- especially from those who have 24/7 access to technology. Just felt like ranting, but it's important and I really want to write every one of my teachers since I won't be returning to Santana, but that is a whole other problem. #technology #paper #teachers #snob #rant #helpthem #twentyfirst #century #21century #santana #highschool

I feel this post is very important because of all of our eLearning days so far.  Are we just having the kids do worksheets or are we having them create something worth saving?  Are we just giving kids assessments because that is "how it's always been done"?  News flash!  That saying is just an excuse for us.  We need to do more to get our kids 21st Century ready.

Now I know some of you may be saying, "Well yeah, that's easy to say.  But how do I do it?"  Or some of you might also be saying, "Oh isn't he just so wonderful." in a sarcastic voice.  Ha!  Obviously, I am not the poster boy for this as I too continually fall short of assessing students with more than paper-and-pencil on most days.  But every once in a while I find a spark and it translates into some magical!  Most of this magic comes from taking the time out of my busy life to check my PLN (Professional Learning Network) on Twitter.  I know I have mentioned Twitter before on multiple occassions, and I still cannot stop singing it's praises, but it is my "GO TO" for finding new activities.  It is much better than just "Googling" something.  So what if you do not have Twitter, you can Google some blogs to follow and sign up for those posts to be delivered to your email inbox.  These are some ways we can learn new methods that will help us educate our 21st Century Learners.

So...what can you add to this conversation?  PLEASE share with the rest of us how you assess our 21st Century Learners.  This is the best way we can learn...from one another.