Monday, February 17, 2014

Techie Tuesday - Version 1.7 - Socrative and GroupMaker

Welcome to this week's edition of the Techie Tuesday.  Last week we covered using Audioboo and Quizlet in the classroom.  I had not tried the "Scatter" option in Quizlet before, so I decided to try it.  Let's just say that students were ENGAGED to the max!  I made it a little competitive by letting the lowest time be the winner of a "prize" when we return this week. The first time, most students took about 40 seconds or more to complete the task.  After a couple more attempts, the students really started lowering their scores.  To the right is a picture of their times.  I put up different time intervals for students to write their names and their times as they went through the activity.  It was a lot of fun watching the students keep working to improve their times...and their skills!  How do you think you could use this activity to review specific facts or skills in your classroom?  Please share with the rest of us!

Socrative - Online Quizzes, Exit Tickets, & Space Race

Socrative is a wonderful online quiz platform that teachers use across the world.  It is both an app AND a website.  There is a Teacher App for you, and a Student App for the students to use.  You may choose to have the students attempt your questions via the phone app or by using their laptop.  If they use their laptop, then they need to go to the web address:  Here they will use the Room Number that you provide to the class.  Then you can choose to have the students participate in the quiz as a Teacher Run activity, or Student Run Activity.

As the teacher, you can create multiple choice, true/false, and short answer questions.  They have also added the function of being able to include an image with your question.  Once the activity is complete, the teacher can download a report via email or through Excel.  Teachers can use Socrative as an Entrance Ticket to check student prior knowledge, or they can use it as an Exit Ticket to see what the students learned during the day.  My favorite feature is the Space Race.  It really gets the competitive juices flowing for the students!  

FEATURE TECHIE OF THE WEEK - Mr. Joe Vought - Social Studies

GroupMaker - I think cold-calling on students helps keep them more engaged, because they know they could be called on at any time.  However, I sometimes struggle with a self perception or student perception that I'm favoring certain students.  Here is an app that can help with randomizing groups or randomly selecting students from a class list.

If you think such a tool might be useful to you, please read the following (only one short page with a four minute video tutorial).

Below are two screenshots of me using the app.  One shows my 1920s group project groupings, while the other shows how to open a saved class list from your email.  

Importing class lists was the trickiest part, because you have to save the class list as a plain text (.txt) document and then press and hold on the list to bring up the "Open In ____" option.  It took me awhile to figure out how to drag and drop students to rearrange groups if desired, also.  You have to press and hold the students avatar to move them.

Thanks, Joe!  Great way to use the iPad in the classroom!  (And I'm not just saying that because we are related.)  Another great reason to try GroupMaker is because it makes the teacher more mobile by walking around the room.  

Don't forget to leave your ideas of how you use your iPad in your classroom in the comments section below.  Share YOUR knowledge!

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